Quality, efficiency, reaction speed and customer satisfaction are essential factors in order to be successful as a company and to be able to further expand market shares. In order to ensure this competitiveness in the long term, the necessary processes must be improved, workflows optimized and management and organizational requirements must be designed efficiently. With the implementation of a quality management system, a tool is available with which companies can achieve noticeable advantages in a tough competition. The basis is the quality management standard ISO 9001. It is considered to be the most widespread standard in quality management. Seal Concept GmbH has been certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 for many years and has continuously adapted its quality management over the years and several standard processing. In June of this year, the recertification took place according to the new revision 9001:2015. Together with the environmental certification DIN EN ISO 14001 and DIN EN ISO 9001:2015, Seal Concept achieved the parallel adaptation of both management systems.
However, management systems only make sense if they are consistently running. In order to achieve this goal, it is of the utmost importance to involve all employees as early as possible in the development and revision processes of the standard content and to ensure maximum transparency throughout the company. This goes so far that in the case of an external - also unannounced - inspection, compliance with the standards and guidelines of the management systems is guaranteed at all times, because they represent a very fixed part of the work processes for everyone involved.
In order to make this transparency accessible to the entire team, special, internally programmed intranet applications have been used for years. A browser-supported software tool enables the individual adaptation of the applications. In this way, the company can react promptly and flexibly to new requirements be reacted to
Applications for the management of customer property such as returns, samples, provisions as well as for the technical evaluation and documentation of complaints, which previously could not be covered by an ERP system, are now an integral part of everyday work. Also an application was developed for the management to carry out the management review, through which the necessary information for the evaluation and decision-making is summarized and made available.For the new challenges, a commercial application of the same software basis was purchased, through which the entire process management/process development is represented because the software is identical, individual adjustments are possible.
In regular employee meetings, organized by the QM managers, QM-relevant topics are processed and the approach to the corresponding processes is defined. The mapping of this content via the intranet ensures absolute transparency and the unrestricted transfer of knowledge. This is important because a certain rotation principle is used in these meetings. This means that different employees attend the meetings each time. The intranet thus gives all other team members the opportunity to keep themselves up to date via this information platform.
Everyone at Seal Concept GmbH is part of a greater whole. This awareness is a decisive factor for the success and deep satisfaction of those involved in the process.